Ignite Together was created to help couples spend quality time with each other while trying something new at home. In the Ignite Together experience you’ll:
- Explore partner breathing & eye gazing
- Share partner affirmations
- Experience partner tantric yoga poses
- Learn massage techniques (that feel really good!)
- Set the intention alongside your partner to kindle your flame
Starting off with partner breathing and eye-gazing shifts you and your partner out of the busyness of our world and into a calmer headspace. These techniques have also been in use for years as tantric techniques and have been shown to help couples create a deeper bond and sense of trust.
Yoga poses and massage techniques will then help relieve stress and heighten the sense of intimacy between you and your partner. Massaging your partner makes this experience all the more special because you are the ones massaging each other and getting to know each other more deeply.
Day-to-day life can often get in the way of being able to connect intimately and authentically with your significant other. We not only provide a fun date night for you and your partner but also a designated time to put your relationship at the centre of your focus. You’ll have fun trying out different techniques and learning what each of you likes and share a heightened sense of intimacy that can last much longer than a single date night at home.